Discharge Packs

Discharge Packs

Supporting Patients returning Home

Deveron District Age Concern works with Chalmers Hospital in Banff to provide Discharge Packs to patients returning home after a long stay in hospital.

Our Discharge Packs provide some essential food items and a knitted blanket. These packs are delivered to the hospital before discharge and help patients settle back at home when it may not be possible to visit a shop immediatly themselves or rely on another individual for help.

During the year 2022-2023 we purchased, prepared and delivered some 84 Discharge Packs for patients leaving Chalmers Hospital.


To support and help maintain the local community we "shop local" for all items purchased and included in our Discharge Packs which typically contain:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Tissues
  • Biscuits
  • Butter
  • Jam
  • Instant Pasta
  • Cup a Soup
  • Knitted Blanket*
  • Leaflet & Compliments Slip


Our Discharge Packs are delivered to hospital staff to pass on to patients so as to maintain patient confidentiality. However we often recieve thank you cards and letters from patients or a family member whom have recieved one of our packs.


*All Knitted blankets in our discharge packs are handmade and kindly donated to us by the local voluntary Knitters.